Saturday, July 9, 2016

The sky over Holy Hill


Two campers get a taste of cosmic horror in Holy Hill State Park.

PARTS: 1, 2, 3

We needed to find shelter. We needed to go to Holy Hill. The rock loomed on the horizon, blacker than the night sky above it and drawing us ever closer. 

3415 words

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Looking backwards

I'm almost two whole months out from graduating college, and have only just begun rifling through old things I wrote. I'll be posting them here real reason, but I want to delete them from my computer and collect my silly writing.

As an engineering major forced to take an ethics/philosophy class, forced into a specific ethics/philosophy class by an ex-lover, I rebelled against the material by (essentially) shit-posting. Even so, my haphazardly-done essays are still fun to read, and I hope that class successfully rounded out my education.